Wednesday, December 22, 2010

On Employment

I have finally decided to include in my blog the responses I made to friend's posts in facebook because such responses are (1) lengthy enough to be considered a blog and not just a tweet; (2) I make sense in these responses; and, (3) because they fit perfectly into my blog's title -- Breathing Space. So here:

On the subject of employment:

Speaking of employment, i went to a dinner and movie date with myself earlier and while chewing on slices of roasted chicken i started to ponder on the lives of the crew who must have been standing there for hours clearing tables and waiting on people and feigning a smile because they're all so exhausted and then suddenly i was brought back to the days when i used to do the same thing: take orders and stand for eight hours in front of the counter or at times host parties and on worst days, host an unreasonable irate customer.

and then it occurred to me how ungrateful i have become for asking for more when these hardworking food service people are earning way much lower and yet they still show up for work even if its the Holidays.

and yeah... my sentences are lengthy. and oh yeah! THANKS TO EMPLOYMENT!

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