Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dear Papa,
    It's so nice to hear from YOU. It's been such a long time since I last read YOUR letters. I know you have constantly wanted to talk to me through those letters but I keep on stashing them away somewhere.
    I am sorry I never found the time to pause for a while and listen to YOU. My busy earthly duties and preoccupations indeed have taken a great hold of me that I couldn't even budge. I'm just so thankful that YOU are so patient with me. In spite of mu unwillingness to reconnect, YOU're still there… patiently waiting for me to respond or to simply nod or smile. YOU like it very much when I smile. It warms your heart. It makes you feel alive.
    Thank you, PAPA.
    "For your steadfast love never ceases. Your mercy never comes to an end. They are new every morning."
    I missed YOU a lot. I never realized how much until now. I am sorry for the times I disappointed you or if I continue to do so. I am sorry if I have forgotten you in the despite your wondrous gifts. My heart is aching with longing for you.
    I missed YOU a lot, PAPA. I couldn't write anymore. My heart is racing with words that my hand can't catch up.
    I love YOU, PAPA. So much.


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