Saturday, March 29, 2008



I was on my way back to Quezon City early this afternoon and I was reading Paulo Coelho's "Like A Flowing River" which was unselfishly lent to me by my very thoughtful and sweet student (who is soon graduating), when I suddenly thought o making a wish list which I don't normally do during holidays or birthdays or whatever. I don't know. All of a sudden I realized that I'm actually missing out on the good things in life. The Lenten break had passed me by in the face and I just stared back at it like a stranger while almost everyone able and capable went out somewhere...casually spending the holy days either in a beach, on a mountain, somewhere colder or breezier than the hot Metro.

And then pictures started playing like a slideshow in my head. First slide was a picture of me on a snow-covered front porch. Second, was under the giant steel frames of the San Francisco Bridge. Next slide showed me on Central Park, by a fountain flocked by pigeons. Followed by a picture under the Tour de Eiffel in Paris. And then I imagined myself on a beach watching the beautiful sunset somewhere in the Philippines. The pictures may be of various places and wonderful scenes but what made them special is that i was sharing the view with my beau who is either standing beside me, hugging me, or making funny faces at me, or feeding the pigeons with me...or simply holding my hand. Such places are made more special if shared with someone who makes you feel equally special.

How I wish we could see these places in our lifetime because, honestly, I feel like I'm old already and should therefore make the most of my time. Well, how I wish!

23 March 2008




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